Confessions of a Peacebuilder: The Global Story of COVID in 19 Tweets

Search for Common Ground
4 min readMay 15, 2020


COVID-19 has affected all of us. Like, every person on the planet. At Search for Common Ground, the world’s largest dedicated peacebuilding organization, we were curious to know how our colleagues were doing. So we started a #GlobalTwitterChat on our Twitter.

When the tweets settled, we had responses from dozens of countries — including Afghanistan, Belgium, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Yemen — and a whole new perspective on the pandemic.

While COVID-19 has halted daily life, it hasn’t stopped peacebuilders from sharing wisdom from Jordan:

Courage from Afghanistan:

And some lifestyle changes from Belgium:

COVID-19 may have squashed the travel bug for many of us, so we’re extra-grateful that folks shared the view out their window.

Take this sunset in Amman, Jordan:

Or this twilight view as millions of people in Kyrgyzstan prepare for iftar:

Or these wide-open skies in northwest Nigeria:

Even at home, some people have a lot going on:

Young people have gotten a bad rap for irresponsible behavior, such as spring-breaking in Florida. In reality, many youth leaders are showing up in a big way:

In Guinea, where Ebola tore through the country from 2013 to 2016, young people have seen an epidemic before — and they’re taking charge:

In Belgium, young people are stepping up despite an uncertain future:

When we asked if COVID-19 has created any other crises, some answers got us thinking, starting in Nigeria:

Another peacebuilder in Nigeria pointed out the grave economic dangers:

In Afghanistan, COVID-19 has collided with a historic peace process:

Somehow, COVID-19 has reminded us of the power of human connection. Rather than feeling demoralized, peacebuilders are more motivated than ever to bridge divides, build trust, and tackle problems together:

We asked what role peacebuilders could play during this pandemic:

In Nigeria, trauma-healing and mental health are top priorities:

Some peacebuilders have even discovered new talents:

With grim daily headlines, we asked if peacebuilders had any sources of hope:

As humans work to defeat COVID-19, we hopefully can remember the powerful lessons that this pandemic has shown us:

Want in on the action next time? Interested in connecting to peacebuilders all around the world and learning tips for your own life? Join our Pathfinders Community!

And a special thank you to all the peacebuilders around the world! So grateful for all you do!



Search for Common Ground
Search for Common Ground

Written by Search for Common Ground

We are the world’s largest dedicated peacebuilding organization, working to build safe, healthy, and just societies worldwide.

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